Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Post part B

Things I learned:

Throughout the class I learned a lot about Germany and its culture outside of the classic history class. Things such as how techno music is very popular in Germany because they needed to do something outside of the classic music America and the UK had already done.
I learned historical things like the Hanseatic League and how they affected all of Europe.
I learned things about the states of Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemburg and all the other states through presentations by other groups.
I also remembered a lot of random things about the culture of the nation like how dancing with a women was much different of how it is today and much more important. For most it was the first step in pursuing a relationship with someone.
There were many different fields of education on the country of Germany.

Commentary on class:
It would be nice if the class was connected to D2L because it is a good site to let me know how I am doing in the class and communication.
Also, I personally am not a fan of the amount of group presentations there were. 

Final post A

2. The organization stuck out to me right away. It was very easy to look about.
3. You can tell that the creator put a lot of time and effort into it.
4. 5
5. Better

2. The blog post is set up like mine with a straight forward structure.
3. The creator had good information on the subjects.
4. 4
5. 4
6. Same

2. There were good pictures to catch my eye.
3. The maker put the essential needs and some.
4. 5
5. 4
6. Same

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Red Army Faction believed that West Germany was a fascist state, which drove them to do the historical things they had done. I do not interpret that as a positive piece. They had gone on to do numbers of murders to innocent people. In 1998 the group faxed former BKA President stating that the group is dissolving.
When I was younger I used to play a game called Red Faction made in 2001. In class when I heard of the Red Army Faction, I immediately thought of the game. I started to look into it and found interesting things. Even though the game plot is not involved with the German terrorist group, the storyline in some parts made connections for me. I remember you are a character that is against a group called the commonwealth. I started to look up more about the commonwealth in the game and key words like fascism, and rebel came up. I also looked at the flag of the group the main character is apart of and their flag has the five-pointed star much like the Red Army Faction group had. Even though I did not find any specific correlation from the game to the group, I thought certain things were interesting and definitely gave me a better understanding.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Germanys role in World War I was to defeat the alliance of French and Russia. This plan was known as the Schlieffen plan. After they had defeated France, they had enemies on both east (Russia) and the west (USA). Eventually being pinned, they signed an armistice in 1918 ending the fight. The country was deeply hurt economically after the loss due to the amount of money they were forced to spend because of the loss.

The country was in a critical depression with inflation skyrocketing.

After the treaty of Versailles, Germany’s military was restricted of having only one hundred thousand men in the Army, and fifteen thousand in the Navy. Along with other restrictions on amount of ships, and cruisers.

The vulnerable state the country was in led to the rise of Adolf Hitler, starting the second World War. Germany’s high point was in 1941/1942 having covered France to Russia, and from Norway to parts of Egypt. Much of this was due to the tactic of “blitzkrieg” which was fast and straight forward.

Germany had eventually lost after much bombing in 1945. The country was split East and West under control of the Soviet Union, and USA.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Germany in the 18th century: The Rise of Prussia

Elector Fredrick III crowned himself the King of Prussia in 1701. The country had now been known as Prussia. Followed by Fredrick II “The Great” becoming king in 1740. Fredrick II is known for the large army he had created and was a successful war general. It took only a year after he was crowned king to invade Austria. He had eventually won after a four year battle, enlarging his territory. After that Prussia had invaded Saxony. Russia played a role allying with Saxony which was troublesome for Prussia until Elizabeth of Russia had died and her son made peace. Eventually they had worked together to invade Poland and split up the territory.

Summary: After King Fredrick III had crowned himself King of Prussia, the land had been known formally as Prussia, leading to Fredrick II “The Great” who had made his name out of his successful armies and battles against Austria, Saxony, and Poland.

                                                                Fredrick III "The Great"

Germany in the 19th Century. The rise and fall of Napoleon. Creating German states.

France had defeated Austria, and some German states had allied with Napoleon. In 1806 Napoleon created the confederation of the Rhine, making up of 16 German states. Not long after, Prussia had gone to war with France, resulting in a defeat. But, in 1813 Prussia had joined with Russia along with Austria, defeating the French in 1815. The Congress of Vienna came together to decide the fate of Europe. A German confederation was made to create a new Holy Roman Empire. It had consisted of 38 states. The German states
began to industrialize in 1830, creating railways throughout Germany. German states and Prussia came together creating a union. In later years, in 1845, series of bad harvests had put them in a vulnerable state with high unemployment and a recession. France had created a revolution that struck throughout Europe causing Prussian and German rulers to make reforms. In 1848 an assembly representing Germany had met up looking for German unity. The revolutionists offered Prussian King to become King of Germany and he declined. European rulers had begun to crack down on the revolting groups. Not long after, the old order returned. Fast forward 30 years, southern German empire had came together of an agreement with Prussia and united under the rule of Prussian King William I.

Summary: When Napoleon created France to be a strong nation, German states had joined a confederation under his ruling. After the fall of Napoleon, German states were given the chance to remake the Holy Roman Empire since Napoleon had ended it. Riots and revolutionist groups had broken out throughout Europe in need of a new system which rulers had agreed to temporarily, only to deny the demands and hunted out the groups. Germany eventually combined with Prussia under command of King William I.

                                                      William I